This book is a heartfelt urban novel about a young boy named Raheem. Raheem was raised in a home where he had two siblings a brother and a sister. They were raised by single parents that showed no love, no guidance, and destroyed any confidence a boy could have built if he was showed the proper love. You see due to his mother anger toward his absent father Raheem had to live through mental and physical abuse! Although Raheem life was challenging he grew up to be a strong young man, but the story takes a mysterious turn for the worst.
Author: Luck Lou wrote the book to talk about the way some of you are treating your child, we talk about slavery, but at the same time giving the kids the same treatment as the slaves.
This book is a heartfelt urban novel about a young boy named Raheem. Raheem was raised in a home where he had two siblings a brother and a sister. They were raised by single parents that showed no love, no guidance, and destroyed any confidence a boy could have built if he was showed the proper love. You see due to his mother anger toward his absent father Raheem had to live through mental and physical abuse! Although Raheem life was challenging he grew up to be a strong young man, but the story takes a mysterious turn for the worst.
Author: Luck Lou wrote the book to talk about the way some of you are treating your child, we talk about slavery, but at the same time giving the kids the same treatment as the slaves.