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This Is How I Spell Grief
Author: Erik Lewin
Genres: Death and Grief, Love and Loss
Publisher: Empire Publishing
Publication Year: 2023
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 9781088251522

Erik Lewin shares how he turned the profound loss of his mother and father into life-changing growth, with intimacy, warmth and humor. He offers a no-nonsense, commonsense way to create your personal path to acceptance of your loss.

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About the Book

How do you become an expert of your own grief when a loved one dies?

Erik Lewin shares how he turned the profound loss of his mother and father into life-changing growth, with intimacy, warmth and humor. He offers a no-nonsense, commonsense way to create your personal path to acceptance of your loss.

Lewin became an expert in his grief experience twice over, encouraging readers to find their own way, as no two lives or losses are the same. He eschews expert opinions and general analyses of grieving in favor of common sense, letting you know you are not alone in how you’re feeling. He shares how he turned his loss into an impetus to personal change. A former criminal defense lawyer, Lewin is now a full time writer and standup comedian.

“This Is How I Spell Grief” takes a counter-intuitive approach to self-help; there are no eight simple exercises to get over it. Instead, you gradually learn to address grief on your own terms, to make true and lasting peace with your loss.

"From fiction to nonfiction to topics such as grief, poetry, self-help and more, Erik has tackled numerous topics and garnered an audience everywhere he goes."
– Writer's Life Magazine
Erik Lewin

Erik Lewin has kept busy over the last decade, showcasing his talents in multiple ways. He’s a multi-talented creator, with four well-reviewed books to his name, an acclaimed one-man show in Las Vegas, NV, and thirty weeks of social observation videos that are both humorous and insightful. Erik Lewin’s work has gained recognition, being reviewed and publicized in both USA Today and LA Weekly publications.

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