This book is an excellent introduction to understanding the corruption and outrageous behavior of the Family Courts and Child Protective Services agencies in America. Explains how the system is set up to kidnap our children legally through a judge and how some of those children end up being trafficked for sex and other evil means. It educates parents about how to fight this awful system for the benefit of their children. The author, who went through the corrupt system two times, gives excellent practical (and even some outrageous drastic) tips about how to fight this out-of-control, unconstitutional menace.
This book is an excellent introduction to understanding the corruption and outrageous behavior of the Family Courts and Child Protective Services agencies in America. Explains how the system is set up to kidnap our children legally through a judge and how some of those children end up being trafficked for sex and other evil means. It educates parents about how to fight this awful system for the benefit of their children. The author, who went through the corrupt system two times, gives excellent practical (and even some outrageous drastic) tips about how to fight this out-of-control, unconstitutional menace. This book goes to the surface about the history of how this backward and harmful agency came into being. Every year thousands of children are removed from their homes by social workers via family court. And some children are removed from the parents in a divorce trial. While many of the removals are justified because the children are in danger, many are not justified. If a teacher, doctor, or neighbor suspects you may have abused your child and reports you, the social worker will show up at your home or your child’s school and take your child. You will go through untold misery, fear, and expense to get your child back. In short, you will be guilty until proven innocent. This handbook gives step by step instructions on what to do if CPS knocks on your door. This book should be read BEFORE you even have your first child. Sadly, most people reaching out for help is after they encounter the problem. Consider giving this book at a baby shower to new parents.