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Father and Sons
$28.99 - $25.89eBook: $9.99
Author: Melina Balistreri
Genres: Drama, Family Saga Nonfiction, Italian Drama, Memoir
Publisher: Empire Publishing
Publication Year: 2024
Format: Hardcover, Paperback, Digital
ISBN: 9798330459681

Don Nino's life has been a rollercoaster of remarkable adventures, encompassing both moments of pure joy and deeply heart-wrenching experiences. With his striking good looks, exceptional intelligence, and considerable wealth, he embodies the qualities of strength, courage, and fearlessness. Despite his unyielding commitment to his family and the admiration he receives from those in his circle, destiny has a knack for catching us off guard, particularly when we least expect it. As a storm brews on the horizon with his two sons, Don Nino must navigate the turbulent waters of joy and pain.


About the Book

Don Nino’s life has been a rollercoaster of remarkable adventures, encompassing both moments of pure joy and deeply heart-wrenching experiences. With his striking good looks, exceptional intelligence, and considerable wealth, he embodies the qualities of strength, courage, and fearlessness. Despite his unyielding commitment to his family and the admiration he receives from those in his circle, destiny has a knack for catching us off guard, particularly when we least expect it. As a storm brews on the horizon with his two sons, Don Nino must navigate the turbulent waters of joy and pain.

Delve into this captivating story and uncover the remarkable odyssey of Don Nino, as life reveals its powerful lessons.

Melina Balistreri

My name is Melina Balistreri, and I am the daughter of Fortunata Rizzo. I wrote the book "Love, Tragedy and Revenge," available on I wrote this book, "Father and Sons," and I am writing a third book, which will be titled "The Power of Love." I now live in Las Vegas, after coming to America when I was 20 years old in 1963 on the ship Cristofer Columbo with my husband Salvatore Balistreri and my daughter Margherita, who was two and a half years old. After arriving in America, I had two other children, Maria Luisa and Marcello. I now have seven grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. The reason I am writing these books, which are all true stories, is to leave my family the story of where I came from, the remnant of my family in Sicily, the customs, and traditions, to better understand the sacrifice of how Sicily was before, how people used to dress, and how powerful the Mafia was.