I think writing about yourself is the hardest thing to do. Especially in written form. But sometimes we have a story to tell. Mine are the many healing miracles I have received throughout my life. Even cervical cancer. (Although there were a lot more, not all included in this first edition book, my intention is to do a revised version and include everything else I didn't put in this one.) I must admit it wasn't ready to be published. I needed to edit it and I had so much more to include. But because of the situation in my life at the time, I was in a location where I was not able to get internet - the signal was too weak to upload a book file. Especially not a large book file. But I wanted to get it printed - even if half finished - in time for my own birthday. Because once in a while we need to give gifts to ourselves. Nonetheless, it is full of amazing simple home remedies. And it is Christian Faith based as well.
I think writing about yourself is the hardest thing to do. Especially in written form. But sometimes we have a story to tell. Mine are the many healing miracles I have received throughout my life. Even cervical cancer. (Although there were a lot more, not all included in this first edition book, my intention is to do a revised version and include everything else I didn’t put in this one.) I must admit it wasn’t ready to be published. I needed to edit it and I had so much more to include. But because of the situation in my life at the time, I was in a location where I was not able to get internet – the signal was too weak to upload a book file. Especially not a large book file. But I wanted to get it printed – even if half finished – in time for my own birthday. Because once in a while we need to give gifts to ourselves. Nonetheless, it is full of amazing simple home remedies. And it is Christian Faith based as well.
Mother to Mother, Mother to Daughter, Sister to Sister, Woman to Woman, Straight from the Heart. The no-frills book about Wellness, Spiritually, and Natural Healing. From God to the Garden to the Grandchildren. God and Nature Work together for our Good. When we have the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit we have the added benefit of gaining the knowledge God wants us to have to take care of ourselves. For moms, it is even more important to understand how to combine Faith and Natural Remedies as a powerful force to protect our children from ailments and attacks. This is a simple straightforward book about the best ways to handle everyday hindrances. Quick, Simple Easy to Read. And from the heart.
Note: Men have enjoyed reading it too, even though my target audience was to write to women.