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Dawn Ramos is a contemporary romance author focusing on vulnerable, flawed, and dynamic characters who draw you in and hold you captive. Her books include Carpe Diem, Christmas in Winchester, and Storybook Romance. She is currently working on her fourth novel, Emma’s Gift. She is constantly cramming new story ideas into her journal; expect many more to follow. Living in Las Vegas, Nevada, with her husband and two children, Dawn enjoys the never-ending supply of hot sunny days and beautiful views of the desert, as well as the best enter- tainment in the country.

Dawn is a self-described hopeless romantic who believes in happily ever after. She loves to sing her favorite songs at the top of her lungs and spin in her favorite dress like she is starring in her own musical. She is a determined, powerful woman fearlessly charging forward to accomplish her dreams.
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Carpe Diem: A Beach Read Love Story

Carpe Diem: A Beach Read Love Story

$14.95 -eBook: $4.99
Author: Dawn Ramos
Genres: Paranormal, Romance

Escaping a life of controlling parents, a demeaning boyfriend, and lackluster career, an unexpected gift gives Bella the opportunity to move to California and launch a business of her own.
She finally has it all: a beautiful apartment near the beach, her dream job, and Jack, the newly available yet complicated business owner next door.
Things are finally looking up when she learns her business is in jeopardy.
Will passion, grit and determination be enough to save her happily ever after?
This contemporary romance will take you on a journey of friendship, love, heartache, and triumph.

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