Welcome to Empire Publishing’s “Librarium”. This website features the amazing authors published through Empire Publishing and Literary Service Bureau.
With most large retail bookstores gone and 20,000+ books published every month online, it’s impossible to sift through the enormous mountain of digital mulch to find a gem. Exceptional books by new and experienced authors with incredible stories end up lost in oblivion. Authors are trampling each other in a mad dash to get their book exposure in the same venues, and avid readers will not spend countless hours searching for a book of interest on Amazon. That is why Empire created Librarium for its authors.

In the bookstore, click on the title of a book for more information

To authors: our new bookstore (Librarium) provides your book with a sales hub that you can use anywhere. The dedicated book page includes all pertinent information on your book, cover image, links to where your book can be purchased, and if applicable, video trailer, sample chapter, reviews, author bio, and more.