The Poetess combines the work of 21 poetesses from around the world. For centuries the
poetess was only known as “anonymous”. One of main objectives of this project was to find
and publish the next wave of great poetesses and give their voices a name. We searched the
world through poetry websites and Facebook groups to bring these 21 together.
The Poetess combines the work of 21 poetesses from around the world. For centuries the
poetess was only known as “anonymous”. One of main objectives of this project was to find
and publish the next wave of great poetesses and give their voices a name. We searched the
world through poetry websites and Facebook groups to bring these 21 together. The selected
poetesses are from Brazil, Spain, India, Puerto Rico, Nigeria, Philippines,
Zimbabwe, Kenya, Bhutan, Malawi, Uganda, the UK, and the US. They range in age from 17 to
77 years old. Other objectives included providing them a larger stage, increased credibility, and
a chance to motivate their family, friends, and future family members that they might not ever
get the chance to know. Together these 21 beautiful voices send their voice into the universe
creating their positive ripple of new thoughts. They leave their work in The Poetess for other
poetesses to carry forward.
The Poetess is the vision of Blair Smith who also financed and promoted the project, and
Theophilus Agbu Clement AKA “Theo” is credited as the editor and coordinator. It is our great
hope these 21 inspire the next 21 and so on such that the positive ripples they have created are
The Poetesses: Abigirl Phiri – Blessing Adebola – Caitlin Wilcox – Claire Deakin – Comfort Japheth Ebzan – Dana Michele Sheehy – Dahlia Constant – Heather Harris – Lavin Owende – Maria Aparecida Guimaraes – Michelle Cintron – Obiora Precious – Oceana Lushay Smith – Pamela Atieno Omondi – Ranjana Rai – Rose R. Sales – Ruth Namatovu – Sali Andiamo Siyaya – Sarah Otieno – Somdatta Mitra – Ula Douglas