This book discusses the ten most common causes of death, as compiled by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the WHO (World Health Organization). It intends to help the reader learn how to prevent these diseases.
This book discusses the ten most common causes of death, as compiled by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the WHO (World Health Organization). It intends to help the reader learn how to prevent these diseases. This book can also empower the reader to learn these diseases at their level enough to have the knowledge to ask appropriate questions and discuss their condition with their medical providers. The Chronic illnesses that happen to people as they age are related to lifestyle behaviors – overeating processed foods full of fats, salt and sugar, being sedentary (not exercising), and neglecting their sleep needs. The reader will discover that changes in lifestyle are the key to these vital prevention measures. Prevention is more effective if the reader periodically/regularly has medical check-ups. The risk factors for every disease are elaborated together with the things people can do to help take care of them. Although at this time, some are difficult to prevent like cancers, learning the risk factors, and taking care of them is a good first step. As more research comes out with positive and proven ways of prevention, the next editions will update all those facts and knowledge. The reader is encouraged to realize the things he/she can do to be successful in the prevention and reap the rewards – a long, healthy, and happy life; and that they have a responsibility as there is no shortcut to achieving health and fitness; and an incidental benefit-the reduction of their health care expenses.